Lucent OXO ConnectSmall and medium businesses
Product Code: Lucent OXO ConnectSmall and medium businesses
Alcatel-Lucent Open Touch Suite for SMBoffering is based on the new generation ofcommunication server called OXO Connect.This robust communication server for smalland medium companies is ready to connectand deliver cloud services with an extendedcapacity of up to 300. OXO Connect is the new
Generation of Omni PCX Office RCE with a clear,future-proof direction for connecting to cloud
Services and delivering advanced services toSMBs. Moreover, OXO Connect has a simplified
Licensing built on a single Universal TelephonyLicense and a new service offer those guaranties
Three years of free software upgrades. Withthis new offer, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise starts
A new era for SMB and confirms its leadingposition in this market.
Features |
Benefits |
Connected |
Connected To deliver advanced cloud services: Rainbow, UC cloud based services and new remote management operation |
All-in-one solution |
Modularity, flexibility and scalability to meet the needs of SMBs from 4 to 300 people in size |
Conversation services on application-enabled deskphones, PCs and Smartphones |
Offer next-generation enterprise communication experience |
User-centric communicationsexperience across devices andlocations |
Provides full-featured access to enterprise communicationsservices across devices while on site or off |
Business communicationsservices, including attendant,routing and messaging services |
Increased communication efficiency for employees withnew opportunities to reach contacts |
Embedded voice-centriccustomer service |
Increase customer satisfaction by improving call resolution |
IP telephony infrastructureflexibility and softwarescalability |
Reduces communication costs and enables the choice ofnetwork configurations and IP, IP/TDM or TDM endpoints,minimizing additional investment and enabling a smoothmigration |
Plug and play and zero touch deployment |
Easy installation in full voice environment and/orconverged voice/data environment at reduced cost |